+31 (0) 413 34 42 19 info@orinso.com


Transparency and Responsibility with the ISCC Certificate

In the production of sustainable energy, it is becoming increasingly important to convincingly demonstrate that the origin of waste and/or by-products is indeed sustainable. Orinso possesses the ISCC EU certificate to prove this. Through a self-declaration, the disposer indicates that the relevant waste and/or by-products are solely suitable for the production of sustainable energy and not for higher value applications.

Below you will find the ISCC EU relevant to Orinso.


Self-declaration food waste in accordance with ISCC EU.

Used Cooking Oil (UCO)

Self-declaration used cooking oil (UCO) in accordance with ISCC EU.

Waste & Residu

Self-declaration waste and residues in accordance with ISCC EU.

The self-declarations for deliveries of the above waste and/or by-products are an integral part of the contract between Orinso and its customers. The self-declaration is provided to the customer, either within the agreement itself or within the terms and conditions. If the self-declaration is part of the agreement, it is deemed accepted from the effective date of the agreement. If the self-declaration is included in the terms and conditions, it is considered accepted if the customer does not object within 14 days after the terms have been presented to them by Orinso. Failure to object by the customer within this timeframe will be considered agreement to the terms and conditions. After the expiration of the 14 days, the self-declarations are considered accepted.

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